British Copper Coins and their Values 1965: Part 1: Regal Coins edited by H. A. Seaby and Monica Bussell

British Copper Coins and their Values 1965: Part 1: Regal Coins edited by H. A. Seaby and Monica Bussell

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This is the first part of a new priced catalogue of the minor coins and tokens of the British Isles struck in copper and other base metals.

It is hoped that this catalogue, compiled by various members of the staff of B. A. Seaby Ltd., will prove to be a useful guide to current values. In format it has been designed so that it will slip easily into the pocket.

PART I of this catalogue deals solely with the official coinage of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and certain British islands. Every date of each denomination is recorded together with the major varieties, and a price is given for each with the exception of certain rarities, i.e., where we have no reliable guide to market price, and also very modern current coins that can be easily obtained from circulation.


242 pages 

Published in 1966

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