British Gallantry Awards by Abbott, P. E. & Tamplin, M. A.
British Gallantry Awards by Abbott, P. E. & Tamplin, M. A.
1981, hardback with dust jacket, 316 pages, illustrated in black and white throughout with three colour photographic plates. Fair condition, slight damage to jacket.
ISBN 10: 0902633740 / ISBN 13: 9780902633742
When British Gallantry Awards was first published in 1971 it was immediately acknowledged as the standard reference work on this subject. Since that time much additional information has become available, principally from the Public Record Office, but also from private sources. This has enabled the authors, Peter Abbott and John Tampin, to extend many of the original chapters. Furthermore, there are no less than ten new chapters covering the awards of the African Police Medal, the Allied Subjects Medal the King's Medal for Courage in the Cause of Freedom, the four Meritorious Service Medals, the Queen's Gallantry Medal, the Royal Red Cross, and the Sea Gallantry Medal (Foreign Services).
The second edition now includes forty-four additional illustrations, references to more than three hundred further recipients and an increase in the text of about a third. The illustrations where possible have been standardised throughout the second edition with photographs taken by Mr R. J. Scarlett, well known for the quality and exactitude of his work. Each chapter covers a separate award and is broken down into five sub-headings: Origin and Development, Description, Verification and Citations, Numbers Awarded and finally an Illustrative Award.
For the serious collector and student this second edition is a must and makes a valuable addition to any library shelf.