This is the first study in 100 years to be devoted to the copper tokens which were issued for circulation in Upper Canada between 1815 and the formation of the Province of Canada in 1841, and is in two parts: a general introduction, devoted to establishing something of the historical context – social, economic, and cultural – in which the Upper Canada coppers were issued and circulated. To that end, it is important to understand the growth and size of settlements in Upper Canada, of whom their populations consisted, in what occupations and leisure activities those populations were engaged, along with the economic foundations which led to trade and commerce and created the conditions necessary for the appearance of copper tokens. The second part is a descriptive catalogue of the various copper tokens known to have been issued for use in Upper Canada.
Coins Are Like Songs: The Upper Canada Coppers 1815-1841 by Faulkner, C.
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Coins Are Like Songs: the Upper Canada Coppers 1815-1841 by Christopher Faulkner, sponsored by the J Douglas Ferguson Historical Research Foundation
Hardback, 418 pages. colour illustrations and maps