Islamic Coins and Their Values Volume 2: The Early Modern Period by Wilkes, T.
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Islamic Coins and Their Values, Volume 2: The Early Modern Period by Tim Wilkes
Hardback, 142 pages, illustrated in colour throughout
This book is the second volume of an illustrated price guide to Islamic coins; the first volume was published in 2015. The Islamic market has long been hampered by two things: the lack of reliable information regarding values due to the historic volatility of auction prices for Islamic coins, and the lack of general reference works with illustrations. This book is an attempt to remedy both these problems. It is intended as an introductory guide, aimed at the general collector; suggestions for further reading are given throughout the book.
This second volume covers the coinage of the entire Islamic world from North Africa to Southeast Asia, from the 10th century AH (16th century AD) to the 13th century AH (19th century AD). Prices are given for each type in US dollars. There are appendices covering mints and rulers’ names, both with Arabic transcriptions. The prices are intended to be retail values - i.e. what a collector would expect to pay to buy the coin from a dealer or at auction (including buyer’s premium) - and are based on both auction prices and dealers’ asking prices.
About the author:
Currently one of the world’s top experts in Islamic coinage and a leading specialist in Indian and Crusader coins, Tim Wilkes embarked on his career in numismatics having graduated from the University of St Andrews with a Masters degree in history. He joined London-based numismatic dealers and auctioneers, A. H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd, in 1998 and was appointed director in 2003. Over his ten-year career with the firm Tim was responsible for cataloguing a number of notable collections, including the W.C. Boyd Collection of English coins, the Michael Sarnefors Collection of Indian coins, and the Alistair Lilburn Collection of Crusader coins. In 2008 Tim left Baldwin’s to become an independent dealer specialising in Islamic, Indian, and Medieval coins. He has also worked as an independent consultant for some of London’s foremost numismatic auction houses. In 2014, in partnership with Matt Curtis, he formed Wilkes & Curtis Ltd, an online numismatic auction company; after three years and twelve auctions, this company was discontinued and Tim became an independent dealer and consultant once again. Tim is a member of the International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN), and served on its Executive Committee for six years.