Roman Coins and Their Values 4th Edition by Sear, D.R.
Roman Coins and Their Values 4th Edition by Sear, D.R.
Hardback with dust jacket, 388 pages, 12 black & white plates.
The original edition of this volume was published by Seaby thirty-six years ago and has been through three revisions (1970, 1974, and 1981). The only one-volume price guide to the coinage of Republican and Imperial Rome. It is an indispensable listing of all major types of gold, silver and bronze, issued over some seven hundred and fifty years by the greatest militaristic state the world has ever known. Over 4,300 coins are included with detailed description and valuations and all major and minor personalities are listed by means of their portrait coins. This fourth revised edition takes note of recent work in the field, especially that of Professor Michael Crawford.
The introductory material on denominations, reverse types, mints, mintmarks and dating presents a useful background, as do the succinct biographical details that precede the listing of coins issued by emperors and members of the imperial family. Previous editions have been acknowledged by collectors, Roman historians and scholars alike as the most useful single volume reference work in the field. With 12 plates, over 900 photos in the text and a map.