Siam Specimen Banknotes Third Series
Selected by the Numismatic Literary Guild as Best Book World Paper Money 2024
Spink Books are delighted to present the third book by Jan Olav Aaamlid, Siam Specimen Banknotes Third Series in his projected five-part series on the specimen notes of Thailand.
The history of Thailand during this time is very interesting. There was a coup in 1932 and the King, Prajadhipok, Rama VII, abdicated in England in 1935. Thailand got a new King, at the time living in Switzerland - King Ananda, Rama VIII. During this short period (only about six years) Thailand had four different Ministers of Finance, and their titles changed several times - this all reflects on the banknotes, which also had to be changed accordingly.
After Rama VII abdicated, the printer Thomas de la Rue & Company Ltd in London was instructed to ante-date the banknotes prior to his abdication. At that time it was a lengthy process to make a new banknote, so the Ministry of Finance decided only to change the portrait of the King, which would take 6 to 8 weeks. After the portrait was engraved, an additional 6 weeks would be required to incorporate the engraving into the banknote die and manufacture the new printing dies.
This book should be interesting for anyone collecting Thai banknotes, those interested in Thai history and the production of banknotes in general.
Hardback, with slipcase and colour illustrations throughout.
A4, 176 pages