The History of the Order of the Bath by James C. Risk - Seconds
The History of the Order of the Bath and its Insignia by Risk, J. C. - Seconds
Hardback with dust jacket, 214 pages, 28 black and white plates
Damaged stock: Please note this stock was damaged in storage. All books in reasonable condition, but with some bruising and discolouration to cover and inside pages.
This is the first book to tell the full story of the Order of the Bath from its 18th Century origins to the present day. The distinction between the medieval degree of knighthood bearing a similar name and the modern Order is explained fully. The history of the Bath as an institution is followed by a detailed discussion of the insignia. Many new and hitherto unpublished sources of information have been tapped.
In the words of Sir Anthony Wagner, Garter King of Arms, ''Mr Risk's exposition is clearer and more complete than previous accounts, of what took place in 1725, in 1815 and thereafter' and 'has a general value going well beyond his special subject.'
Sir Anthony also points out that the author's approach is marked by 'a lightness of touch and keen historical insight.' The history of the Order is one of people, those who used it and those who received it. To this intensely human side, Sir Anthony says 'Mr Risk does full justice, whether he is quoting Hornblower, 'Pinafore' or more prosaic sources.'