The Jutland Honours by Chris Bilham
Awards for the Greatest Sea Battle of World War I
Hardback, with colour illustrations throughout
432 pages
240 x 170mm
RRP: £60
ISBN: 978-1-912667-63-5
Published to coincide with the 105th anniversary of the most important sea battle of World War I, this comprehensive catalogue lists all orders, decorations and MIDs awarded for the Battle of Jutland, grouped according to the ships, with citations where available, and a description of the ship and her role in the battle.
The Battle of Jutland was the only action between the battle fleets of the UK and Germany; 151 British ships, with a total of about 60,000 sailors, took part. Of these, 13 ships were sunk and over 6,000 British sailors were killed. Over 2,000 honours were awarded, including four Victoria Crosses, 47 DSOs, over 200 DSMs and other decorations, and MIDs were awarded for gallantry and distinguished service. Awards from France and Russia are also included.
The VCs are well documented but, with regard to most of the other awards, it is difficult or impossible to identify the ship in which the man was serving. This book will therefore be of great interest to medal collectors, when reading the citation for an award, to know the ship referred to, and to find how many awards were made to each ship, in addition to giving a fascinating background to his most iconic of naval battles.