The Orders, Decorations and Medals of the United Arab Emirates by Owain Raw-Rees
This book is the first substantial fully illustrated work in English language on the orders, decorations, medals and civic prizes of the United Arab Emirates. The book utilises the archives of Thomas Fattorini Ltd and Spink & Son Ltd, illustrations from private collections and translations of instituting laws and decrees to compile a definitive reference to the hour system of the United Arab Emirates. Much of the information contained within this book has either not been published or never translated into English.
Owain Raw Rees, MA (Oxon), was born in 1959 in Aberystwyth, Wales, UK, educated at Christ College, Brecon and read theology at Worcester College, Oxford. Subsequently he was commissioned into the Royal Welch Fusiliers. On leaving the Army he pursued a career in insurance and lived in the Middle East from 1989 until retirement in 2019. Since 1993 he has been a regular contributor to the Journal of the Orders and Medals Research Society (OMRS) of Great Britain and to Miniature Medals World (MMW) – an OMRS Journal Prize and two Commendations and also two MMW Literary Awards and has contributed to the Journal of the Orders and Medals Society of America (OMSA) - ten OMSA Literary Medals. He is also regular exhibitor at the annual OMRS Conventions and has been awarded eleven Exhibitor Medals including five gold medals. In recognition of his research work he was awarded the Qu’aiti Sultanate Order of Distinction, 2000 and appointed a Member of the Order of the Star of Honour of Ethiopia by the Crown Council of Ethiopia, 2018. Through long involvement with the Association of Round Tables Arabian Gulf he was made an Honorary Life Member of the Association.